The benefits are undeniable. We all use internet banking, we shop online, we trade shares online, we communicate via email and we use social media. Why don't we buy, sell…
New Melbourne CBD office
A grey and gloomy day in the city of Melbourne but a bright day in the history of First Class Legal as we open our fifth office and our first…
We’re in “The Fin”
Following on from "The Age" and Channel 9 news, here is an article in "The Financial Review" talking about paperless, simultaneous settlements ie sales and purchases happening electronically together... AFR…
Channel 9 news story Watch this segment and see how electronic settlement saves stress and removes obstacles to settlement. All settlements in Victoria will happen this way in two years (August 2019) but…
It’s settled. Digital wins in property sales.
Lightning quick property settlement is the way of the future for buyers and sellers. "The benefits of digital contracts of sale and property settlements are accuracy and speed," says First…